The information below is based on standard building operations pre-Coronavirus. For current status and future updates, please click here or contact your property manager.
With the exception of hand held items, all deliveries must be made through the loading dock located along the right hand side of the building. We do not allow deliveries through the main lobby to prevent damage to the lobby floor and doors, and to avoid inconvenience to other Clients in the building.
The dock will accommodate small to mid-size delivery trucks, however not 18-wheelers. We ask all Clients to cooperate with the policies and procedures below, so that you may receive supplies and services promptly.
Routine deliveries may occur between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM on weekdays. A routine delivery is one made by a clearly marked delivery truck, which consumes 15 - 30 minutes of time on the dock. Routine deliveries are handled on a first-come, first-served basis.
Moves or lengthy deliveries (requiring more than two hours) need to be scheduled after 6:00 PM on weekdays, or on Saturday or Sunday. Please call the building’s Property Manager at least seventy-two hours in advance to coordinate your after-hours delivery. Your mover or delivery company will be required to produce a Certificate of Insurance naming SCG/AK 1199 Fairfax Owner, LLC and The John Akridge Management Company as additional insured.
Moving of safes, loaded files or other heavy objects must be coordinated with the buildings Property Manager in advance, to coordinate elevator usage, as well as the loading dock.
Please remind your movers that they must provide masonite protection for floors and carpets from the loading dock to the elevator and from the elevator to the suite. We may require that a Building Engineer and/or Porter be in attendance for large moves, at Client expense.